What does it take to be a musician at St. Stephen?
Jordan Smith, Organist and Director of Music Ministries
Before we know it, summer will be over and it will be time to head back to school, work, and music rehearsals at church. Have you ever considered joining one of our music ministry ensembles? Maybe you’ve thought about it, but never acted on it. Well, now is the time!
We have four different ensembles with something for everyone.
The newest choir at St. Stephen, the Choristers, will have their first rehearsal on August 28. See time and registration details below. This new choir is for grades 4–8 and will sing frequently during worship. The Choristers will follow a training program using the Royal School of Church Music curriculum. This rewarding program not only includes rehearsal, but also basic music training. Upon completion of each training level, the chorister will receive a certificate and award. The first award after completing the first level of training is the white surplice which will go over their cassock. Following that, medals and different color ribbons worn with their vestments will be a sign of their level of training. I am really looking forward to getting started with this new choir!
Register now on the link shown here!
Registration link for Choristers: https://www.ststephenpresbyterian.com/st-stephen-choristers/
Our Children’s Choir formerly consisted of a very broad age range. This year we have narrowed that down to Pre-K–3rd grade. This choir will continue to sing monthly during worship and will be directed by the talented Beth Fultz. Music learned by rote along with fun games can be expected in this choir. We are also happy to have Amy Kats, a new member of St. Stephen, accompanying on the piano. Register now on the link below!
Registration link for Children’s Choir:
Comprised of approximately 25 volunteers and 6 choral scholars, the Sanctuary Choir is the core music ensemble at St. Stephen. While commitment is essential in all music programs, it is significantly important here. This choir sings every Sunday morning, 10 months out of the year, as well as for Choral Evensong and other services as needed. But don’t let that scare you! It’s fast-paced, hard work – but also fun and very rewarding. The post-rehearsal gatherings at local establishments are great ways to connect with other members. This choir is open to anyone high school age and older. Are you breathing? Can you count to 4? Can you climb the 37 stairs to the Gallery? If yes, congratulations – you’re qualified!
The handbell ensemble at St. Stephen rings on a 5-octave set of Schulmerich handbells. Offering music once a month during worship, this is group open to anyone high school age and older. Ability to read music is a plus. If you’re interested in joining, send me an email or stop me after church. We may have an opening for you!
When we make music in our worship, we are bringing the scriptures alive in a new and meaningful way. You can be a part of that by joining one of these ensembles that will warmly welcome you. Join us!
Rehearsals Resume in August:
Sanctuary Choir resumes rehearsals on August 14, 6:30–8:00 pm
Handbells resume rehearsals on August 15, 6:30–8:00 pm
Children’s Choir (Pre-K–3rd grade), August 28, 5:00–5:45 pm
Choristers (4th–8th grade), August 28, 5:00–6:00 pm