Rev. Dr. Warner Bailey Devotional for the 2nd Week of Advent Dec 8, 2020 Ecclesiastes 9.1-12 Galatians 3.23-4.7 Luke 1.57-79 In November 1944 a new musical opened on the New York stage called “Meet Me… CHRISTMAS AND FATE
Rev. Dr. Warner Bailey Devotional for the 2nd Week of Advent Dec 8, 2020 Ecclesiastes 9.1-12 Galatians 3.23-4.7 Luke 1.57-79 In November 1944 a new musical opened on the New York stage called “Meet Me… CHRISTMAS AND FATE
Rev. Dr. Fritz RitschDec. 6, 2020 Isaiah 40: 1-11Mark 1: 1-8 Our first child Sara Caitlin was born in October of 1991. Barely a week later my mother died in a sudden and shocking fashion.… The Medium is The Message
We’ve had pictures after the lightning strike a couple of months ago, but it’s always good to remember, per the story of Noah and the Ark, that storms do not always result in damage, and… A Beautiful Picture of St. Stephen after a Recent Rainstorm!