Embracing the Tempest

 How do I love thee?  Let me count the ways.  I love thee to the

depth and breadth and height my soul can reach

It does not seem too great a stretch to appropriate Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s immortal lines when writing about the Scottish Hebridean Island of Iona.  Her expression of love for another person reaches multi-layered dimensions existing beyond description.  Some would call this a spiritual state encompassing certain places set apart as well as people set apart.  Iona is such a place.Embracing the Tempest

A Way Away

How can I take it all in–a surfeit of nourishment for anyone, and served in all of nature’s rugged beauty sating the hunger of a famished soul.  The splendor of the Scottish Highlands overwhelms at first.  They have been witness to a long, often brutal history.  How could such magnificence attend this violent history?  They stand sentinel and passive witness devoid of any emotion yet at the heart of engendering unbridled emotion as we, the tiniest fleck on an eternal time line fulfill our own life journey.A Way Away