A letter from Sharon Curry in South Sudan

We’re hoping to set up a link to Sharon Curry’s blog, “The Journey,” but until then, I know that with the violence in The South Sudan, many of you have been concerned. This is her most recent blogpost on the PCUSA website. You can follow her on 


and on   http://the-journey-s-in-s.blogspot.com/

January 5, 2012

I just looked at the calendar on my computer in astonishment as I read the date.  I wanted to ask the question that I have been asked on a regular basis since I arrived in South Sudan, “Is it really?  Are you sure?”  I can’t believe it has been only five days since this year began!

If the saying, “So starts the year, so goes the rest” is true, it is going to be one heck of a ride this year.  Hang on tight!  We are all in for the ride of our lives!A letter from Sharon Curry in South Sudan

A Board Member Says Good-bye

Yesterday was my last official meeting as a board member of the Presbyterian Night Shelter. Executive Director Toby Owen presented me with a beautiful plaque that is a photo montage of the clients PNS serves—homeless men and women, children from the Women and Children’s Unit, even a couple of staff members. Board President Steve McLauren asked me to close the meeting with prayer. I found myself choking up a bit. I thanked God that during the turmoil of the last six years, the PNS Board has remained focused on its purpose: serving the needs of the homeless in our community. I thanked God for an incredible board, forged by fire; and for an amazing staff, after years of uncertainty.

A Board Member Says Good-bye


Several years ago a gay male couple came to St. Stephen with their son, seeking to have their son baptized. They shared that they’d had an unfortunate experience at the large Houston church they’d previously attended. Both had been deeply involved at the church for years. Both had taught Sunday school or served on important committees. It was known in the church that they were a couple, but they never felt ostracized until they went to the church’s leadership, the Session, and asked to baptize their son.Presbyterian?