open and affirming

Now In Flesh Appearing

John 1: 16-30

December 11, 2011

Rev. Dr. Fritz Ritsch, Preacher


The Christian message, simply put, is this: Jesus shows us everything we need to know about God.

Is there more to know about God than Jesus? Absolutely. But everything that matters about God we learn through Jesus. We learn it though His teachings. We learn it through his life. We learn it through his death. We learn it through his resurrection. In Jesus, God is distilled to God’s essence.

Here’s what we learn about God, through Jesus.Read More »Now In Flesh Appearing

Christmas Worship & Music at St. Stephen

Christmas Eve at St. Stephen starts at 12:00 noon, Saturday, December 24, 2011, with a Service of Christmas Lessons and Carols in the Chapel of the Holy Trinity. The Chapel is located in the Education building. It is the first room on the left when you enter the education building from the covered walkway linking it to the sanctuary. Music will be led by a quintet of St. Stephen choristers. Read More »Christmas Worship & Music at St. Stephen


Several years ago a gay male couple came to St. Stephen with their son, seeking to have their son baptized. They shared that they’d had an unfortunate experience at the large Houston church they’d previously attended. Both had been deeply involved at the church for years. Both had taught Sunday school or served on important committees. It was known in the church that they were a couple, but they never felt ostracized until they went to the church’s leadership, the Session, and asked to baptize their son.Read More »Presbyterian?

Vision Glorious

2 Peter 1: 16-21

This past weekend I attended the “Next Church” conference in Indianapolis. I always feel l have to explain that this isn’t the “Next Church” as in, “What’s the next church I’m going to be pastor of?” I’m not going anywhere. No, it’s “Next Church” as in, “What is the next church we, as a denomination, are becoming?”  The conference brought pastors, elders, and seminarians together to discuss the future of the PCUSA. It was exciting but also sobering.  I’ll start with why we are asking the question in the first place.Read More »Vision Glorious

Night Time at Room In The Inn

The three men stood elbow to elbow to demonstrate how closely the sleeping mats are spaced at the Presbyterian Night Shelter.  “Sometimes they roll over and throw their arm across you,” said one man, and the others nodded in agreement. “You have to put your shoes under your head or they’ll steal them.”Read More »Night Time at Room In The Inn