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2 Kings 2: 1-2, 6-14  *  Psalm 77

Galatians 5:1, 13-26  *  Luke 9: 51-62 

June 30, 2013

Rev. Dr. Warner M. Bailey

Over the last few weeks billions of cicada grubs have awakened from 17 years of subterranean slumber to emerge into the bright sunshine of America’s Mid-Atlantic states.[i]  Their strange cycle brought vast swarms of males swirling above the trees who created a tremendous racket in the hope of mating, frantically, then to die, unlamented, leaving behind eggs that will hatch in another 17 years.LET’S MAKE THE CHURCH TOGETHER

A letter from Sharon Curry in South Sudan

We’re hoping to set up a link to Sharon Curry’s blog, “The Journey,” but until then, I know that with the violence in The South Sudan, many of you have been concerned. This is her most recent blogpost on the PCUSA website. You can follow her on 


and on   http://the-journey-s-in-s.blogspot.com/

January 5, 2012

I just looked at the calendar on my computer in astonishment as I read the date.  I wanted to ask the question that I have been asked on a regular basis since I arrived in South Sudan, “Is it really?  Are you sure?”  I can’t believe it has been only five days since this year began!

If the saying, “So starts the year, so goes the rest” is true, it is going to be one heck of a ride this year.  Hang on tight!  We are all in for the ride of our lives!A letter from Sharon Curry in South Sudan

Windy City Trip Log

“We know that all things work together for good, to them who love God and are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

Our trip to the Windy City, Chi-Town, Illinois, in mid-July, was punctuated with dramatic mechanical issues.  However, in retrospect, these issues became side interests  and financially not-so dramatic as we envisioned.

Thirty representatives of St. Stephen went to Chicago on a Youth Mission Trip. It included middle school and high school church members, college age SPITS (sponsors in training), and experienced and inexperienced sponsors – including one who just returned from his honeymoon…

Windy City Trip Log

Vision Glorious

2 Peter 1: 16-21

This past weekend I attended the “Next Church” conference in Indianapolis. I always feel l have to explain that this isn’t the “Next Church” as in, “What’s the next church I’m going to be pastor of?” I’m not going anywhere. No, it’s “Next Church” as in, “What is the next church we, as a denomination, are becoming?”  The conference brought pastors, elders, and seminarians together to discuss the future of the PCUSA. It was exciting but also sobering.  I’ll start with why we are asking the question in the first place.Vision Glorious