The Cosmic Do-Over Button

Fall and Creation
By Rev. Dr. Fritz Ritsch
July 20, 2014
St. Stephen Presbyterian Church
Fort Worth, TX

Romans 8:12-25

“Western Christians have imagined that, at the end of the day, God is going to throw the present space-time universe into a trashcan and we’ll be sitting on clouds playing harps. The ultimate future that we’re promised is much more interesting than that. It’s new heavens and a new Earth with new bodies to live in.”N. T. Wright

I’m a year out from the 30th anniversary of my ordination in 1985. Don’t worry, I’m not fishing for another party like the one you threw me for my 10th anniversary. Frankly, the 30th anniversary of my ordination only reminds me of how old I am. But I do often have a fantasy. I sometimes wish I could go back to those first early years of my ministry, when I was a solo pastor of a small but wonderful little inner city church in Virginia, and start over again, but with all the knowledge that I’ve garnered from the past twenty-nine years. There were many good things about my years there, but many things that didn’t go so well either because of my personal shortcomings or because I simply didn’t know enough. That church in 1985 would benefit so much from what I know today in 2014 about pastoral care, preaching, worship leadership, community engagement, and social justice.The Cosmic Do-Over Button

Presbyterians and Middle East Peace

Further Insights from My Recent Middle East Trip

By Rev. Dr. Fritz Ritsch, St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, Fort Worth, TX

This June, I will be attending the Presbyterian Church (USA) General Assembly meeting in Detroit, MI. I’m not going as a delegate, but rather as an advocate. I will be trying to convince commissioners to vote “no” to the several motions that will be before the assembly this year to use economic sanctions and other tools to punish Israel for its occupation of the West Bank. I will be there in cooperation with an organization called “Presbyterians for Middle East Peace” (PFMEP), whose stated mission is to promote investment in peace rather than divestment in Israel. They sponsored my trip this past February to Israel and the PalestinianTerritories. It was an eye-opening trip that confirmed my opinion that boycotting, divesting, or sanctioning Israel is a bad idea for Jewish-Christian relations, Palestinians and Israelis, and peace in the Middle East. Presbyterians and Middle East Peace

Day One: Fritz’s Trip to Israel and the Palestinian Territories

Israel/Palestine Journal, Day One: Monday, Feb. 10

We arrived in Israel this afternoon at about 4:30 pm local time at Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv. My companions are an interesting mix of folks. The organizer is Rev. Bill Harter, pastor emeritus of a church in Pennsylvania, who has led PC(USA) delegations to the Holy Land since 1970. Most of my companions are Presbyterian pastors. They include the exec of Santa Barbara Presbytery and pastors from Virginia, Idaho, Iowa, and California, a college student, an a couple of folks who are slated to be commissioners to the PC(USA)’s General Assembly in Detroit in June, where issues related to Israel and the Palestinian territories are going to be addressed. There are twelve men and two women.Day One: Fritz’s Trip to Israel and the Palestinian Territories

Who is This Really About?

Who is This Really About?

Acts 8: 26-40

Rev. Dr. Fritz Ritsch, Preacher

May 7, 2012

When Margaret and I were visiting in Israel several years ago, our guide was Lee, a brilliant, vibrant lady in her seventies who was originally from Chicago and seemed to have boundless energy. Lee’s day job was as a social worker helping assimilate Jews migrating to Israel under the aliyah, Israel’s “law of return.” The law of return means that Israel will accept anyone into their country as a citizen who can make any legitimate claim to be Jewish, whether racial, religious, or cultural.Who is This Really About?