Loving A Whole God

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Loving a Whole God

Luke 7: 36-8:3

 Rev. Dr. Fritz Ritsch

 “She is a sinner.” Well, we know what that means. Prostitute, right?

Well, maybe. But the definition of “sinner” could have been so broad as to include a great swath of behavior we wouldn’t even think questionable in our culture today. Divorce. People who live together before marriage. You know. Normal people.Loving A Whole God

Chapter VII: The Cowtown Christ Is Dead

We Crucify the Cowtown Christ, II: The Cowtown Christ is Dead

John 13:1-18

Jesse the Cowtown Christ had become a political lightning rod. On one side were the far-left wing liberals, calling attention to the fact that Jude, a prominent psychiatrist, had declared Jesse in need of serious mental health treatment. Well, she wasn’t going to get any decent treatment in Texas, they said, noting the shortage of mental health services in the Lone Star State. And anyway, isn’t threatening to lock up or deport Jesse just a way for “The Man” to quiet dissent? Kinky Friedman put together a “Free Jesse” Concert in Zilker Park.Chapter VII: The Cowtown Christ Is Dead