The Ecclesiastical Calendar (part 1)


(The Ecclesiastical Year begins with Advent, a season to recollect the hope of (1) the coming Christ (his birth), and to look forward to (2) the Lord’s coming again:  the Parousia.)

1. First season of the Ecclesiastical Year

2. Begins with the Sunday falling upon or nearest St. Andrew’s Day (Nov. 30th), however an easier way to calculate the beginning of Advent: Advent begins 4 Sundays before Christmas Day, not counting Christmas Day if it falls on a Sunday.  There are always four Sundays in Advent.

3. Originated out of early Christian practice having to do with a fasting period for candidates who were to be received into the fellowship on January 6th (Epiphany Day) when it served as a time for study and preparation.

4. Often called, “Winter Lent,” Advent is considered a period of penitence in preparation for the coming of the Savior: (1) the human Incarnation of Christ ; (2) the “Second Coming” of Christ in glory at the end of time (Parousia).

5. Liturgical color is purple or violet (less often, blue) which represents penitence as well as the “royal” color (Kingship of Christ).

6. Key Words and Phrases: Prepare, Watch, Wait, Darkness, Anticipation; Humility; Expectation; Hope; Listen; Evening;The Ecclesiastical Calendar (part 1)


WHERE THE LIGHT SHINES Isaiah 60.1-6 Psalm 72.1-7, 19-14 Ephesians 3.1-12 Matthew 5.14-16; John 8.12 January 6, 2013 Rev. Warner M. Bailey  An Aggie from Lufkin, Texas, was asked if he knew where Jesus was… WHERE THE LIGHT SHINES