Mother of God

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Luke 2: 1-20

Christmas Eve, 2013


Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a young girl betrothed to Joseph when she found herself to be pregnant. For some reason—apparently a heavenly one—Joseph chose to marry her despite this apparent pre-marital slip-up. Jesus was her first child. It appears that she bore at least three more boys, and possibly a daughter. She helped raise one older boy, James, who was likely Joseph’s son from a previous marriage. Three other sons are identified: Joseph, Judas, and Simon (Matthew 13: 55). Certainly James was a disciple of Jesus—though not one of the Twelve apostles–and possibly Simon and Judas as well.Mother of God

Christmas Worship & Music at St. Stephen

Christmas Eve at St. Stephen starts at 12:00 noon, Saturday, December 24, 2011, with a Service of Christmas Lessons and Carols in the Chapel of the Holy Trinity. The Chapel is located in the Education building. It is the first room on the left when you enter the education building from the covered walkway linking it to the sanctuary. Music will be led by a quintet of St. Stephen choristers. Christmas Worship & Music at St. Stephen