Miracle of the Mundane

By Rev. Fritz Ritsch

If you are, or have been, the parent of new baby, you’ve become intensely aware that in most social situations that baby in your arms is a ticking time bomb. Your little bundle of joy could go off at any moment: in the theater, in the supermarket, in the restaurant, even here in church—and people will turn and give you “that look”—the look that means, “What were you thinking, bringing that baby in here?”

When that happens, I’m often reminded of the words of the writer of Psalm 8: “Out of the mouths of babes and infants you have founded a bulwark because of your foes, to silence the enemy and the avenger.” To the psalmist apparently, this most mundane, even annoying sound is gifted by God with the spiritual power to stave off the danger of terrorists and assassins. The cry of a baby is the ultimate proof that life is more powerful than death. So cry away, babies, and thank you for the blessing you bestow upon us when you enter our doors!Miracle of the Mundane

Demon or God?–Genesis 32: 22-31

Demon or God?

Genesis 32: 22-31

Rev. Dr. Fritz Ritsch, Preacher


Our Old Testament story is one of the most familiar of the Bible. Jacob, the most conniving fellow in the scriptures, finds himself between a rock and a hard place. He has managed to outsmart his father-in-law Laban and free himself and his family from Laban’s service. But now he has to figure out how to overcome the demons of his past. Years before, he had disguised himself as his twin brother Esau to trick his blind father into giving him Esau’s blessing. Now Jacob has to pass through the land where Esau now lives, and he has heard that Esau is coming to meet him with two hundred men.  Jacob is terrified. He divides his own company into two groups, so that if Esau attacks him, one group has a chance of escaping. He sends them off and he waits, alone, by the river Jabbok, waits—for what?Demon or God?–Genesis 32: 22-31

Wheat and Weeds

Weeds and Wheat

Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43

July 17, 2011

St. Stephen Presbyterian Church

Fort Worth, TX

Rev. Dr. Fritz Ritsch, Preacher


Some of you may remember a sermon I did a few years ago about the problem of Trumpet Vines growing in our yard and garden, and our quest to get rid of them permanently. I tried many things, a large number of which you all suggested. And guess what:


They’re ba-ack.Wheat and Weeds