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St. Stephen Summer Activities for Children and Youth

VBS Tie-dye
VBS crafts include tie-dying t shirts

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School at St. Stephen Presbyterian Church is a high energy, ½ day or all day experience.   We teach religious music and energizer songs to kick off the morning then send the kids on a journey through our recreation locations, cooking station, science lab, Bible story nook, Crafts creations, and Mission station before returning to return home  OR stay on for movies, wet rec, popsicles and snow cones, and more music.  

This year’s theme is Holy Roly Poly.

Our goal to teach children to develop a kinship with bugs and plants, and food and recycling to help out with the repair of our God created Earth. Kids will be introduced to nature around the St. Stephen campus, enjoy meeting bugs and habitats, adopt a tree, be conscience of the food we bring in and how NOT to waste it. We’ll also be aware of recycling by asking everyone to bring their own Water Bottles to use each of the 5 days.

God said that creation was “good”; let’s help God maintain that goodness!

The Youth of St. Stephen contribute highly into shepherding our aged based flocks of kids and they and key adults run the afternoon program.   Come for the fun, the tee shirts, the tie dye, the wet rec in the afternoon, but always for the snow cones!  

online registration


Youth Mission Trip


Glenwood Springs, CO Sat – Sun, July 20 – 28

Insights from the Sneak Peek trip:

  • #1 The views to Glenwood Springs & back are AMAZING!
  • #2 Glenwood Springs is a quaint town with a vibrant downtown and hot springs. We will live 1—2 blocks from the hubbub!
  • #3 The people representing the 5 churches are so nice and already working on VBS plans!
  • #4 Several construction projects including a day or two on the Roaring Fork Trail clearing brush, building a deck on the manse, and painting are in the works!
  • #5 An evening at the Hot Springs, an All Churches Picnic, riding the Gondolas to the Adventure Park, Music Night in one of parks— are planned!!

NOW, we need to we have a good representation of youth and sponsors on the trip. Can you commit? We need VBS workers and sponsors; we need construction workers who build decks, paint and cut brush. We all work collectively on seeking our funds. Goal $19,000. VBS All Day funds go to YMT; Youth Garage Sale funds and YMT Stock propel us to our goal. Please see or email Beth Fultz if you are interested in this destination for mission!

Music Day Camp

“The Prodigal Clown”
By Cyndi Nine, Rob Howard, &
David Guthrie
Performance Friday,
August 9, 7 p.m.
Supper at 6 p.m.!

Music Day Camp is a week of learning, choreographing (simple kinds), singing, memorizing a religious based musical and performing it on Friday night after our fund raising meal.    Be in a commercial, make announcements, help with the scenery or table decorating, make crafts, enjoy indoor recreation (It’s August; we’re not going outside if at all possible), movie time and getting to know other kids with a musical theater slant!   It’s an all day, all week experience that we’d love for you to join.

online registration

Questions? Please Contact :
Beth Fultz, Director of Christian Education, 817-927-8411 office, 817-875-9704 cell, or
[email protected]