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Samaritan House Volunteers Needed


Wow! the 3rd Friday “Picnic,”  June 17 is REALLY coming together!

Samaritan House – 3rd Friday Dinners Our Menu so far:

Main Dish: Fried Chicken — Rob Baker, Laurie Sandefur, Charlotte Ray, and Adelaide Leavens and Charlotte Ice have each volunteered money or purchase of 20 pieces of Fried Chicken (total =100 pieces). 

 Side Dish: Potato Salad — Wendy Larmour, Rob Baker, Myrtle Adams have volunteered to homemade or “home-buy” potato salad. 

 Additional Side: Green Beans —  Still need 40 servings of green beans

 Fruit Side: Watermelon — Robbie Fultz has volunteered to bring the ice cold watermelon!

 Dessert: Bring your favorite! (3 volunteers) — Gladys Dike, Arlene Small, and Peggy Wadley are each bringing their favorite dessert.

 Additional: Rob Baker and Rob Griffin have pitched in rolls for the occasion!

 Servers: We’ll take everyone! 🙂

For more information, or to volunteer for the Samaritan House Supper Club, please email Debra Denson-Whitehead  at  [email protected] or contact the church office.

 Thanks for your help!        Debra Denson and the Mission Committee