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Presbyterian Night Shelter

Fort Worth's Presbyterian Night Shelter, and their partner, True Worth Place, provides shelter and other services for men, women and families for those experiencing homelessness. St. Stephen prepares and delivers approximately 450 sack lunches to the PNS on the third Friday of each month. Since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020 we've provided more than 50,000 meals.

In addition to our sack lunch mission, St. Stephen has other ongoing projects and drives to support PNS. 

We also collect monetary donations for our sack lunch mission and water. In addition to supplies for the more than 450 weekly lunches we provide, the PNS needs water for is clients particularly in the summer. In order to make the process easier than collecting cases of water, we periodically purchase bottled water and have it delivered to PNS. You can donate by using the button below and selecting “PNS Meals and Water” or you can donate by check to St. Stephen with “PNS Meals” in the memo line.

The sign-up below is for specific volunteer opportunities. For guidelines regarding providing food, please review this document. 

If you have any questions, please contact: Mike Tyson ( or Matt Loynachan (

Guidelines for
Making Sandwiches...

Because of health concerns, we have to be very careful when preparing food. Please click the button below for details.

Guidelines for
Making Cookies...

Be sure to print and sign these documents when turning in food. And follow the directions for each very carefully.


Current Needs

We have a bin outside the office to collect the following for delivery to the Presbyterian Night Shelter.

General Need

• Adult socks (new, unused)
• Adult underwear (new, unused)
• Sheets
• Towels
• Blankets
• Caps and gloves 

Morris Family Center

• Children’s clothing
• Children’s books, small toys and games

Toiletries -Travel Size

• Bar soap
• Body wash
• Shampoo and conditioner
• Lotion
• Combs
• Wet wipes