St. Stephen’s majestic building, strong fellowship, deep interest in learning and spiritual discipline make it an ideal place to remember Jesus’ Passion Week, death and resurrection. Here’s the schedule of upcoming events from Palm Sunday, throughout Passion Week, and into Easter:
Sunday, April 14–Palm Sunday; 8:30 am Communion; Donkey Procession at 11:00 am and family Spring Festival on the Lawn 12:15-1:45 pm ; Last day to order and dedicate an Easter Lily (click here to order online)
Monday, April 15–Noon Lenten Lunch in the Narthex, Jordan Smith presenting
Tuesday, April 16–noon Lenten Lunch in Narthex, Beth Fultz Presenting
Wednesday, April 17–noon Lenten Lunch in Narthex, Dr. Warner Bailey presenting; Fellowship Night with Dinner, Bible Study, and Adult Choir (no children’s choir!)
Thursday, April 18, Maundy Thursday–No morning prayers; noon communion service in Chapel followed by lunch; 5:15 Children & Family Service, Sanctuary; 6:00 pm Dinner in Parish Hall; 7:00 Maundy Thursday Solemn Liturgy with Communion in Sanctuary
Friday, April 19, Good Friday–12:15 Good Friday Service in Sanctuary, followed by lunch in the Parish Hall
The Holy Vigil of Easter
–Friday, 8:00 pm–Tenebrae: Service of Shadows, Chapel
–Saturday, 8:30 am–Awakening: Meditation and Labyrinth
3:00 pm–Service: Waiting
8:00–Sunset: Great Vigil of Easter, Paschal Feast follows
Easter Day, Sunday, April 21–One Service at 11:00 am, followed by Butterfly Release and Fellowship on the Lawn