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Dear all:

Some of you have joined St. Stephen; some have expressed interest; and some of you are simply looking to see if this is a place where God speaks to you. One way or another, I hope you will join me and other members of the SSPC staff and leadership for our “Introduction to Presbyterian Christianity” class that begins this coming Sunday, September 4, during the Sunday School hour (9:30-10:30) and runs through Sunday, October 2. We will be meeting in the Chapel, located at the north end of the education building next to the main church office.

We’ll try to answer lots of questions:

  • What does it mean to be a Christian?
  • What do Presbyterians believe and how does it affect our lives?
  • History and structure of the PC(USA)
  • Unique and exciting aspects of SSPC membership
  • Baptism and Communion in the PC(USA)

Childcare for all ages (as well as Sunday school, of course) is available. And an important part of our process is to hear your feedback:

What do you need from SSPC?  What do you like about us?  What have you learned in your previous experience at churches that could be of help to us?  How would you like to be involved?

We look forward to hearing from you. Please confirm attendance by calling Judi @ (817) 927-8411.

Thanks! Grace and peace, Fritz