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Faith on Tap

St. Stephen Presbyterian Church 2700 McPherson, Fort Worth, TX

Beer & Bible Study This is designed to allow for engaging discussion about relevant and timely topics in a relaxed setting. Please join us for Faith on Tap this month with Dr. Fritz Ritsch on Friday, November 12 from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. Rev. Dr. Fritz Ritsch will be our guest speaker. We will have… Faith on Tap

Christmas on the Hill

St. Stephen Presbyterian Church 2700 McPherson, Fort Worth, TX

All our welcome to our little Christmas festival on the big hill. We'll have outdoor games, food, a donkey-pulled sleigh ride, music along with some hot cocoa and mulled wine. Please bring chairs or blankets to sit on. We'll have outdoor fireplaces to gather near.  


Amahl & The Night Visitors

St. Stephen Presbyterian Church 2700 McPherson, Fort Worth, TX

Amahl and the Night Visitors is a 50-minute holiday opera. The plot centers around the adoration of the Magi where the three Kings who are in route to present gifts to the Magi1. This project will pair members of St. Stephen (adults, teens, children) and graduate students from the T.C.U. School of Music. The project will offer two public performances, staging and music direction by Dr. Corey Trahan (T.C.U. Voice Faculty) and produced by Beth Fultz.


Advent Lessons and Carols

St. Stephen Presbyterian Church 2700 McPherson, Fort Worth, TX

On Sunday, December 12 at 7:00 pm, St. Stephen Presbyterian Church in Fort Worth will present a service of Advent Lessons and Carols. In this season of reflection and joyful expectation, this music and worship experience is intended to be a time of preparation as Christians look forward to the joy of Christmas. The service,… Advent Lessons and Carols


Noon Christmas Eve Service

St. Stephen Presbyterian Church 2700 McPherson, Fort Worth, TX

Our early service will take place at noon.


Family Service

St. Stephen Presbyterian Church 2700 McPherson, Fort Worth, TX

Weather providing, we will offer an outdoor experience for our family worship service including a donkey, a few chickens, and maybe a goat. Children will be invited to be part of the Christmas play in the midst of the worship by donning donkey, camel, cow or sheep or angel costumes. Silent Night will be sung as the… Family Service


Candlelight Service

St. Stephen Presbyterian Church 2700 McPherson, Fort Worth, TX

Our candlelight service begins at 7:15 p.m. with a choir and organ prelude and includes communion. It will end with a singing of Silent Night. Even if you've never visited our church, all are welcome!


Souper Bowl of Caring

Every year we raise funds for the Tarrant Area Food Bank through the Souper Bowl of Caring. You put your money on the team you think will win. If you're right, then you can gloat all you'd like, but either way, the funds raised go to support the Tarrant Area Food Bank. How awesome is… Souper Bowl of Caring

Ash Wednesday

St. Stephen Presbyterian Church 2700 McPherson, Fort Worth, TX

Our schedule for Ash Wednesday is as follows: 12:15 p.m. | Imposition of Ashes West Transept 5:00 p.m. | Family Lenten Event on the Front Lawn 7:00 p.m. | Imposition of Ashes and Communion, Nave



St. Stephen Presbyterian Church 2700 McPherson, Fort Worth, TX

Choral Evensong is offered several times throughout the year at St. Stephen. Evensong is not something usually found in a Presbyterian church, however, this carefully crafted office is formatted to incorporate elements from both the Episcopal and Presbyterian traditions, including Anglican psalm chant, canticles, scripture, and text from both the Presbyterian Book of Common Worship and the… Evensong
