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Maundy Thursday Service

St. Stephen Presbyterian Church 2700 McPherson, Fort Worth, TX

Please join us at 7 p.m. for a solemn liturgy and communion. 

Good Friday Noon Service and Lunch

St. Stephen Presbyterian Church 2700 McPherson, Fort Worth, TX

On Good Friday at noon, we will have a solemn service in the sanctuary followed by lunch. All are welcome to join us!  


Easter Vigil: “Shadows”

Our Easter Vigil service, "Shadows," begins at 8 p.m. this evening in the chapel. In this Tenebrae service (or service of shadows) we experience the gathering darkness as we recall the events leading up to and including the crucifixion of Jesus readings and the extinguishment of candles.

Easter Vigil: “Awakening”

Saturday, April 16
8:30 a.m. “Awakening”
In the gentle and cool light of the morning, we will meditate as we wait. Even though we know Jesus arises, we contemplate our waiting for Easter and the assurance that we too shall have eternal life.

Great Vigil of Easter

April 15, 8:00 p.m. “Great Vigil of Easter” | Chapel of the Holy Trinity

The Great Vigil of Easter is one of the oldest Christian worship services and is the first celebration of Easter, taking place after sunset on the Saturday before Easter Sunday. Our Great Vigil of Easter is drawn from the PCUSA Book of Common Worship and will include a Service of Light and a Service of Readings. We will begin outside in the darkness awaiting the Light of Christ. It will conclude with the joyful singing of “Jesus Christ Has Risen Today.”

This service will be followed by our traditional Paschal Feast, which will feature lamb stew. Everybody is invited to bring a dish to share. Come and join us

Easter Sunday

St. Stephen Presbyterian Church 2700 McPherson, Fort Worth, TX

Our Easter Sunday service will begin at 10:15 a.m. with a brass and organ prelude. We'll hunt for Easter eggs on the front lawn at 10:30 and will release butterflies at noon, after the 11 a.m. service. There is no early service on Easter. Just the 11 a.m. All are welcome!


Faith on Tap

St. Stephen Presbyterian Church 2700 McPherson, Fort Worth, TX

Please join us in Parrish Hall this Friday at 5:30 for a bit of faith-based conversation led by Rev. Dr. Fritz Ritsch. We'll have some adult beverages there, but please feel free to bring your own if you'd like. Even if you've never visited our church, this is a great way to meet a small… Faith on Tap

Dominic Cheli Concert

St. Stephen Presbyterian Church 2700 McPherson, Fort Worth, TX

St. Stephen will host pianist Dominic Cheli on May 7 at 7 p.m. Symphony Magazine described his music as “spontaneous yet perfect, the best of how a young person can play.” He gave his Carnegie Hall Recital Debut in 2019 and has had a busy performing and recording career ever since. This concert is free… Dominic Cheli Concert

VBS June 13-17

St. Stephen Presbyterian Church 2700 McPherson, Fort Worth, TX

Vacation Bible School will run from June 13 -1 7. At this time, registration is full. But if you would like to be placed on a waiting list, please email Beth: [email protected] We still need volunteers to help with the camp. Here are some of the roles we're still looking to fill: Hospitality Recreation leaders… VBS June 13-17

Pancakes For All!

St. Stephen Presbyterian Church 2700 McPherson, Fort Worth, TX

The Fellowship Committee at St. Stephen invites all friends and neighbors to join us for pancakes before service this Sunday! Come hungry!