St. Stephen News

People Who Wear Robes


by Diana Logan


Diana Logan is a nurse practitioner and a member of St. Stephen Presbyterian Church.


It was ten years ago in a different church, in another state, that I began to fear the people who wear the robes.


It started one October day when a member of the 9th grade Sunday school class I was teaching at the time asked to speak to me privately. I will call him Jason.


“I’m leaving,” Jason said bluntly. I was puzzled. I had know Jason since he was a baby and his parents were good friends. His mother had not said anything to me about the family moving away. When I questioned Jason about this, he replied: “No, I mean I am leaving this church. After last Sunday’s sermon I am afraid to come here anymore because I think I am gay.”Read More »People Who Wear Robes

Pink Velvet Jesus

It all started as a joke–a joke of which my husband did not approve. David and I were Christmas shopping in the hill country town of Fredericksburg the weekend after Thanksgiving. It was in a little novelty/toy shop that I spotted the Pink Velvet Jesus. He stood about a foot high, and his purpose was to give anybody who shook him up and then turned him upside down the answer to any question. I was charmed. I recalled the old “eight ball” fortune telling toy of my childhood. I shook the ball, turned it over, and there was the answer as to whether I was going to pass my geometry test, or if the boy who sat next to me in geometry liked me. The eight ball knew all.Read More »Pink Velvet Jesus