St. Stephen News

Ash Wednesday: the beginning of Lent

by Mark Scott, Music Minister


The Lenten season extends over a forty-six day period beginning Ash Wednesday and ending on Saturday evening prior to Easter Day.  However, the six Sundays in Lent are not actually a part of Lent (thus they are styled Sundays IN Lent rather than Sundays OF Lent) making the actual number of days in Lent 40.  The date of Ash Wednesday is determined by the date of Easter.  This year, Ash Wednesday is February 22.Read More »Ash Wednesday: the beginning of Lent

Big Tent?

Former PC(USA) moderator and prolific blogger Bruce Reyes-Chow has started a petition drive called “There is more than one version of Christianity!” His point is that there is a great deal of diversity the Christian family. Christians need to be more tolerant of one another and the media and culture need to recognize Christian diversity, too.Read More »Big Tent?

Ash Wednesday, Family Friendly Service & Meal

Ash Wednesday, Family Friendly Service & Supper

Wednesday, February 22, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.

The church staff and the Worship Committee invite all parents and children to attend the “child-friendly” and multi-sensory Ash Wednesday Service  for Children & Families, Wednesday, February 22.  Participants will gather in the sanctuary narthex (front hall) and the service will take place in the sanctuary. Ash Wednesday marks the start of the Lenten Season, where we prepare ourselves and our families for the life, miracles, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This service includes a child-friendly Lord’s Supper and the Application of Ashes. Read More »Ash Wednesday, Family Friendly Service & Meal

“The Lord is Trying to Do Something Grand Through Us…Therefore We, God’s Servants, Arise and Build”

Our unofficial church historian, Cathy Corder, has unearthed some fascinating documents from the early days of St. Stephen. Most interesting are those that detail the process our predecessor church, Broadway Presbyterian, went through in deciding to move from its location across from present Broadway Baptist to this site.Read More »“The Lord is Trying to Do Something Grand Through Us…Therefore We, God’s Servants, Arise and Build”