St. Stephen News

Stuck (Like a Dope) on a Thing Called Hope!


Luke 24.13-35  1 Peter 3.13-22

Warner M. Bailey


                The road to Easter travels from ugliness to beauty; from sadness to joy.  The road to Easter travels from loneliness to community; from separateness to family; from being scattered to being gathered together again.   The road to Easter travels from subsisting off of dead traditions to living by Scriptures that flame up in your hearts.  The road to Easter travels from hopes, dashed to the depths, to the heights of hopes unheard of; from the abyss of cynicism toward life in a reborn commitment to live fully because, after all is said and done, it is worth the living.

This is road down which the Easter message traveled when disciples made the trip from Jerusalem to Emmaeus and back again.  Their body language gave away how much they were crushed inside.  When Jesus asked them what was going on, to give an account of themselves, all they could do was to tell him of how their hopes had been ripped out of their hearts.  When Jesus began opening the Scriptures to them in a way they had never heard them explained before, their hearts began to flame up in a strange new way.  When they asked Jesus into their home and gave him hospitality, he helped them in the breaking of the bread to make the final connection that the message of resurrection was indeed true.  Immediately they got up from the dinner table and walked half the night back to Jerusalem to gather again with the disciples in the intensity of that first Easter’s joy.  “We have seen the Lord in the breaking of the bread!”

Our Epistle Lesson today challenges us: “Always be ready to give an account of the hope that is within you.”  Disciples on the road to Emmaeus were no-count in the category of hope, could give no account of hope.  Only by Jesus making a home with them through Word and Sacrament did their hearts flame with hope and they desire to return to be with God’s people. Read More »Stuck (Like a Dope) on a Thing Called Hope!

Room in the Inn (RITI) – A Meaningful Connection to the Homeless by Mike Tyson

ROOM IN THE INN (RITI) A Meaningful Connection to the Homeless

by Mike Tyson

One of my more rewarding volunteer activities this year was spending the morning of April 3rd at the Homeless Connect at First Presbyterian Church.  This is an annual event where the homeless in Fort Worth can receive on-the-spot services ranging from health care to assistance with food, housing and jobs.

It was my good fortune to work as an appointment taker at the haircutting station, where up to 20 hair stylists volunteered their time to transform completely the image of more than 100 homeless clients.    Many hair stylists took “selfies” with their clients who not only sported a new look, but a huge smile!

One of the best things about participating in this event was seeing many of our friends who have been guests at RITI this past year.   After an exchange of greetings, they always asked, “How is everyone at St. Stephen?” generally followed by, “I miss seeing you each week and look forward to returning to St. Stephen this summer.”

Which brings me to the subject of sharing the RITI volunteer experience with you:

I became involved in RITI last summer, shortly after joining SSPC.  RITI has been significant to me—not only because it has provided a meaningful connection to the issue of homelessness by giving it faces, names and life stories that could be any of ours—but also because it has built friendships with SSPC members with common concerns.  This is an important mission of St. Stephen, and I encourage you to do yourself a favor by getting involved.

In case you’re not familiar—RITI is our outreach project to homeless in our community.  During the hottest and coldest months of the year, our guests are provided a comfortable place to sleep in a friendly environment, as well as a good dinner and breakfast the following morning.  The summer session of Room in the Inn will begin Tuesday, July 1 and will continue each Tuesday evening/ Wednesday morning through August 26/ 27.

Read More »Room in the Inn (RITI) – A Meaningful Connection to the Homeless by Mike Tyson