
Reign “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven has come near.” That is the message of John the Baptist. And our gospel writer, Matthew, tells us, that after Herod arrests John the Baptist, Jesus takes up… Reign


Around the year 167 Before the birth of Christ, the people of Judea were in a bad way. Since Alexander the Great had conquered their land around 332 BCE, they had experienced a succession of… Hope

Mantoux Program

October 22, 2019 Fort Worth Christophe Mantoux,organ   Louis Marchand (1669-1732) : Dialogue du 5e ton (Dialogue in C major) A.P.F. Boëly (1785 – 1858) : 3 Preludes on Canticles of Denizot: •  Le vermeil… Mantoux Program

Day School Director

St. Stephen Presbyterian Church Day School Director, Fort Worth, Texas  Date Posted: 9/10/2019  Categories: Non-ministry Jobs-Other  Denomination: Presbyterian Church USA  Church Size: 250-500  Day School: 2 day/week program with 11 teachers caring for children ranging… Day School Director

Implicit Grace

“Implicit Grace” By Rev. Dr. Fritz Ritsch September 8, 2019 Deuteronomy 30: 15-20 Philemon 1-21 Luke 14: 25-33 The Letter to Philemon has been a highly influential book of the Bible when it comes to… Implicit Grace