O Little Town of Bethlehem
O Little Town of BethlehemBy Rev. Dr. Fritz Ritsch 12•24•19 Micah 5: 2-5a • Luke 2: 1-20 You may not know this, but Bethlehem is one of the three Palestinian cities that constitute what is… O Little Town of Bethlehem
O Little Town of BethlehemBy Rev. Dr. Fritz Ritsch 12•24•19 Micah 5: 2-5a • Luke 2: 1-20 You may not know this, but Bethlehem is one of the three Palestinian cities that constitute what is… O Little Town of Bethlehem
Of Prophets and Messiahs When I was a kid growing up in Spartanburg, SC, my parents would often take my sister Lise and me on Sunday nights to get ice cream cones at this wonderful… Of Prophets and Messiahs
For the last year, every phone call directed at daughter Emily has begun or ended with, “When’s the adoption to be finalized?” I have waited and waited for each part of the law process to… Advent – “Preparation for an Important Event” – Like Ours!
Future Shock or Future Hope? Recently I’ve been reading a couple of books by a historian at Hebrew University in Jerusalem named Yuval Noah Harrari. In the first book, Sapiens, Harrari tracks the history of… Future Shock or Future Hope?
“You know that among the gentiles those whom they recognize as their rulers lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them.” With these words, Jesus concisely analyzes and critiques all of… But It Is Not So Among You
October 22, 2019 Fort Worth Christophe Mantoux,organ Louis Marchand (1669-1732) : Dialogue du 5e ton (Dialogue in C major) A.P.F. Boëly (1785 – 1858) : 3 Preludes on Canticles of Denizot: • Le vermeil… Mantoux Program
St. Stephen Presbyterian Church Day School Director, Fort Worth, Texas Date Posted: 9/10/2019 Categories: Non-ministry Jobs-Other Denomination: Presbyterian Church USA Church Size: 250-500 Day School: 2 day/week program with 11 teachers caring for children ranging… Day School Director
“Implicit Grace” By Rev. Dr. Fritz Ritsch September 8, 2019 Deuteronomy 30: 15-20 Philemon 1-21 Luke 14: 25-33 The Letter to Philemon has been a highly influential book of the Bible when it comes to… Implicit Grace