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Stop this Madness!

. . .by Mark Scott, September 2012

     E Pluribus Unum. . .Out of Many, One. . .the phrase printed on the Great Seal of the United States of America describes a vision where  a great diversity of people and cultures comprise the “Oneness,” the overriding reality shared by ALL citizens of the United States.  Regardless of any label, this is our common link on a vast pallette of individuality.Read More »Stop this Madness!

Embracing the Tempest

 How do I love thee?  Let me count the ways.  I love thee to the

depth and breadth and height my soul can reach

It does not seem too great a stretch to appropriate Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s immortal lines when writing about the Scottish Hebridean Island of Iona.  Her expression of love for another person reaches multi-layered dimensions existing beyond description.  Some would call this a spiritual state encompassing certain places set apart as well as people set apart.  Iona is such a place.Read More »Embracing the Tempest