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Godly Play in Worship for Children at 11 a.m. Service

The Worship Committee, in conjunction with the Christian Education Committee, is pleased to announce that children who attend the 11:00 AM worship service will have the option to participate in Godly Play while the sermon is being preached in the sanctuary. Godly Play, which has been offered during the Sunday School hour for many years at St. Stephen, teaches children the art of using Christian language – parable, sacred story, silence and liturgical action – helping them become more fully aware of the mystery of God’s presence in their lives.Read More »Godly Play in Worship for Children at 11 a.m. Service

St. Stephen in the snow!

Simplify the Seasons

Last Sunday evening in October, the youth of St. Stephen went to a favorite mission site – Casa House, a low-income, Catholic Charities multi-ethnic senior citizens apartment complex.  Lynn Yeoman, Social Service Coordinator, and St. Stephen church member, announced our arrival so that 15 – 20 seniors came out of their apartments to play games, and get their fingernails painted led by the Youth of St. Stephen.

Typically, the seniors love Bingo and have the need, like every child, to win a prize or pout.   Prizes purchased and donated were holiday themed gadgets and decorations, books, pencils, and bags of candy.   John Bollman called the Bingo with loud measured pace and we made sure that everyone earned a prize twice over.  The youth were exuberant and so attentive to our senior partners in Bingo, you would have been proud.Read More »Simplify the Seasons

Blessing of the Animals Liturgy and Photos!

Kay and Shotzi
Kay and Shotzi


Leader    Bless the Lord, all you his creatures,
All       And forget not all his benefits.
Leader    Let us pray.  Most high, omnipotent good Lord, grant your people grace to renounce gladly the vanities of this world; that, following the way of blessed Francis,we may for love of you delight in your whole creation with perfectness of joy.  O God, you have made us 
and all living things. You are even more wonderful than what you havemade. We thank you for giving us these pets who bring us joy.  As 
you take care of us, so also we ask your help that we might take careof those who trust us to look after them.  By doing this, we share inyour own love for all creation. We ask this in Jesus' name.
All       Amen.Read More »Blessing of the Animals Liturgy and Photos!

Lyons, Colorado, and the Devastating Flood

Idyllic, amazing…This picture is the Lyons Community Church, in Lyons, Colorado, a hamlet at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. We, the youth and sponsors of St. Stephen, held a week-long Vacation Bible School at this church in July, 2013, just two months ago.  As the rains have inundated these foothills these last few weeks, I am in mourning for the loss of life, limb, possessions, and this loving small township.

Lyons, ColoradoLyons Community Church is 1/10 the size of St. Stephen with a heart bigger than both. It is a white clapboard church atop a rocky ridge with a basement that affronts the Main Street.  Our first day into service, we met adult volunteers, Holly and Jani and Zeke, in the basement of the church fixing our breakfast and asking us to advertise the VBS with hand colored poster boards.  It worked, along with Facebook, as everyday our crowd grew bigger and bigger.  We started upstairs in the small old fashioned Sanctuary singing our signature Christian songs with movement and abandonment. Read More »Lyons, Colorado, and the Devastating Flood

The Ecclesiastical Calendar (part 1)


(The Ecclesiastical Year begins with Advent, a season to recollect the hope of (1) the coming Christ (his birth), and to look forward to (2) the Lord’s coming again:  the Parousia.)

1. First season of the Ecclesiastical Year

2. Begins with the Sunday falling upon or nearest St. Andrew’s Day (Nov. 30th), however an easier way to calculate the beginning of Advent: Advent begins 4 Sundays before Christmas Day, not counting Christmas Day if it falls on a Sunday.  There are always four Sundays in Advent.

3. Originated out of early Christian practice having to do with a fasting period for candidates who were to be received into the fellowship on January 6th (Epiphany Day) when it served as a time for study and preparation.

4. Often called, “Winter Lent,” Advent is considered a period of penitence in preparation for the coming of the Savior: (1) the human Incarnation of Christ ; (2) the “Second Coming” of Christ in glory at the end of time (Parousia).

5. Liturgical color is purple or violet (less often, blue) which represents penitence as well as the “royal” color (Kingship of Christ).

6. Key Words and Phrases: Prepare, Watch, Wait, Darkness, Anticipation; Humility; Expectation; Hope; Listen; Evening;Read More »The Ecclesiastical Calendar (part 1)