Advent Family Celebration, Sunday, November 27, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Welcome one and all, friends and families, individuals and small groups! We’d love to have you experience the celebration of the beginning of Advent, ADVENT means coming – the coming of the birth of Jesus, the Messiah. We traditionally celebrate this on the Sunday following Thanksgiving in the Education Building with a meal in Parish Hall at 5:30 p.m.
After sharing together at the table, everyone from youngest ages to oldest will have the opportunity to make Advent and Christmas crafts in the Eastminster Room or play Advent Bingo in Parish Hall. You can make an Advent Banner, a Christmas ornament, Christmas gift tags, decorate cookies, and more.
We collectively end our evening in the Crossing of the Sanctuary with a simple Candlelight Advent Service led by the Youth of St. Stephen.
A special night for all. Think about coming and becoming part of the church family.