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A Pastor’s Thanksgiving

As we come to Thanksgiving, I’d like to share some things for which your pastor is thankful:

  • For a genuine, great-hearted congregation of faithful believers, good people, and strong friends;
  • For an extraordinary Board of Deacons who reach out in compassion and care as soon as they are aware of any need;
  • For the quiet corps of volunteers without whom this church could not function: people who answer the phone so staff can get work done, or help Anne with printing and folding the bulletins, or come by when-ever something is broken and fix it, or clean out the refrigerator without being asked, or show up in sun hat and gloves to cultivate our gardens, or brighten someone’s day by saying hello;
  • For an upbeat, positive Stewardship campaign that indicates people are excited about how St. Stephen is doing;
  • For committee members who quietly and patiently make nuts and bolts decisions and implement them, making our weekly worship, mission, fellowship, education, and financial health possible;
  • For trustees and elders who faithfully execute the responsibilities of their offices;
  • For people who email me or send me cards or put a hand on my arm to say “I’m praying for you, pastor.”;
  • For an extraordinary staff—
    • for Jordan, our newest staff member and his energy, personableness, passion and skill;
    • for Lisa, our business manager, with her good humor and expertise;
    • for Anne, her pleasant demeanor, firm commitment to and love for the church, and high standards of professionalism;
    • for Beth, the BEST DCE IN THE WORLD and most committed servant of Jesus one could hope for;
    • for Eddie, his great spirit, deep love and understanding of the church, and absolute expertise and dependability;
    • and for Warner, his mentorship, wisdom, humor, intellectual acuity, and friendship—really, what a blessing, and how rare in a church, to have such a professional, energetic, and great-hearted staff!
  • For the things we’ve learned we can’t take for granted, such as simply having space for mission,education and worship, as we learned the hard way through the vandalism;
  • and for the folks, church members and staff and professionals, who enables us to have a ministry in that difficult time and also to be able to return to our facilities stronger than when we left them;
  • For St. Stephen’s ongoing mission as a light to our community, and for the future God has yet in store for us;

O God, for all these things and more, this pastor gives you thanks.
