Join us on Sunday, November 16 after the 11:00 a.m. worship service. A “celebratory” lunch will be served in Parish Hall. Balloons, decorations and outdoor fun, too, will bring out the spirit of celebrating one hundred and thirty years of worship and fellowship at St. Stephen.
We want you to “delve” into the past and send your special memories to the church office. Memories of a spiritual moment you captured, or a fun-filled event you may have enjoyed— maybe even a humorous moment during the “Blessing of the Animals” event one October. Are your memories of high school fellowship sponsors, or Sunday School? Maybe the “Kirkin’ O’ the Tartan” service?
Please think back and share your fondest memories. We will collect and share these memories during the Anniversary celebration! Yes, it’s alright to remain anonymous, if you must! Get your children involved! Please start thinking back now! Take notes and send these favorite memories of yours to Judi in the church office at: [email protected].
Of course, this is open to the public.