November 8, 2013
by Charles Hoffman, Ruling Elder – Worship Committee
GOOD NEWS: The Sessional Worship Committee and staff have developed and are implementing a series of initiatives that will both inform and query the congregation about “the maintenance of Divine Worship” at St Stephen. The anticipated outcome of these efforts is a thriving congregation that is fully participating in worship.
To inform and engage the membership, a series of classes in Reformed Worship and worship leadership was developed and provided in early Fall during the Church School hour. Each of these classes addressed different aspects of worship at St Stephen—hospitality and fellowship, liturgy, prayer, music, sacraments and the symbols that represent and remind us of our faith.
To query the membership about our priorities, beliefs and practices in worship, a survey of the congregation was developed and conducted. Over 177 individuals submitted electronic or ‘hard copy’ surveys. The results have provided much food-for-thought not only about worship, but also about our identity and future as a congregation.
The obvious next step was to provide the results of the survey to the congregation and begin a conversation about its’ implications. On November 6th, nearly 80 adults and youth participated in the Worship Survey Dinner and Discussion. Following the presentation of survey results, congregants gathered in small groups to reflect and share with one another the challenges and opportunities for our church. Summaries of the small group discussions were shared with the entire group.
Worship Survey Discussion Summary (2)
So what will we make of all of this? The Worship Survey Results PowerPoint presentation will be available on the St. Stephen Presbyterian Church web site , as will a summary of the congregational response to key questions we must ask ourselves– and work to provide meaningful answers to. All of these things will be prayerfully considered by the Worship Committee and Session of the church.
Worship Survey Results PowerPoint
Because it is both communal and inclusive, proper worship will always have aspects that make some of us happy—and others…not so much. The worship of God is not about what pleases us, but rather what pleases God. We have begun the process of discerning what pleases God, and invite any and all to join us on the journey.