March 2022 Mask Update
March 2022 Mask Update
The session has approved the following changes consistent with our Covid-19 policy, and in consultation with health care professionals now that Tarrant County has been in the moderate range for infection for some time.
1. Beginning Sunday, March 13, 2022, masking will no longer be required, but recommended, in both the sanctuary and the Education Building. This policy does not affect the St. Stephen Day School, which has its own policy.
2. We will return to open seating for all services, classes, and meetings in both buildings.
3. The West Transept will now be designated ONLY for those who wish to continue to mask and social distance. Social distancing will be maintained there with signage. If you are unmasked, please do not sit in the West Transept.
4. We have resumed inviting people to come forward for communion. We will also continue to provide communion packets in the pews for those who prefer to remain seated.