The Sanctuary Choir is comprised of mostly volunteer singers along with six Choral Scholars from local universities. The choir leads congregational singing and provides special music at the 11:00 am worship service each Sunday, as well as special services throughout the year.
The Sanctuary Choir draws on a rich tradition of sacred music, from familiar church standards, to classics of the European musical repertoire, to contemporary American anthems. Anglican chant is also a strong tradition in this ensemble and in our worship.
Rehearsals are held each Wednesday evening during the academic year from 6:30–8:30 pm in the Choral Rehearsal Room (upper level of the Education Building).
In addition to singing great sacred music, the members of the Sanctuary Choir are also involved in the life of the church in many ways, including serving as Elders, Deacons, and Trustees. Choir members can also be found supporting and participating in the various ministries of the church, including mission work, such as Room In the Inn, teaching Sunday School, and lending a hand on the Property Committee
Interested in joining the Sanctuary Choir? Email Jordan Smith, Organist & Director of Music Ministries
J[email protected] for more information.