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Healthy & Abusive Relationships Discussions

The Christian Education Committee highly encourages your Youth Fellowship middle schooler and high schooler to join us for these important presentations.  Mike Windsor, St. Stephen member and legal advisor for the Women’s Center, has been working with me and Pastor Fritz Ritsch to provide these programs led by experts from the Women’s Center.

Here is the synopsis of what will be shown:

On March 31st and April 7th, St. Stephen will host guests from The Women’s Center to present Play It Safe!® programs to the youth group.  Play It Safe!® is personal safety curriculum developed by The Women’s Center to teach children and youth about appropriate encounters, boundaries, and healthy relationships in an age-appropriate manner.  Last year, Play It Safe!®programs were presented in more than 20 school districts to more than 130,000 students. 


The March 31st presentation will be “Relationships: Paint Them Healthy,” led by John Asbill, which addresses healthy and unhealthy aspects of a relationship, including mutual respect, boundaries, jealousy and control, and communications.  The April 7th presentation will be “Survivors,” led by Katharine Esser, which uses animated drawings and the voices of two teens who tell their stories of abuse as pre-teens, how they coped, and how they began to recover.  Both presentations were designed for student in middle school and up. “

Snacks will be provided during the talks and a supper will follow after each discussion.  Please let us know that your Youth Fellowship participant will be present for this informative discussion.  There are so many children who are abused and their abuse never reported.  Help us help them to recognize healthy relationships and how to tell or help someone immediately if they are accosted.